Awareness, Advocacy, Education, Training and Research
Awareness, Advocacy, Education, Training and Research
For families who love and support those who live with Autism
For families who love and support those who live with Autism
Pathways in Autism
Enjoy the journey, don't worry about the destination.
About Autism
Autism affects 1 in 58 children. Boys are 5 times more likely to have autism, and there is no cure. Autism can be diagnosed as early as 12 months, common signs include: Loss of previously learned speech, babbling or social skills, avoiding eye contact, difficulty understanding emotions, being a late talker, upset in changes to routine, repetitive behaviors (flapping, rocking, spinning, etc.), sensitive to normal sounds, smells, tastes, textures, lights and/or colors. If you have concerns, get your child evaluated by contacting your healthcare provider for a screening.
Pathways in Autism is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization organized to support autism awareness, advocacy, education, research and training programs to positively impact those who live with autism and the people who support them.
Lobbying in Tallahassee, FL for Department of Education budget increases for autism services
Assistance with Individual Education Plan (IEP) supports and Special Interest Publications
Developing evidenced based community interventions for children using augmentative alternative communication devices (AAC) - in progress
Parking Lot Safety Program for parents and children with special needs children
Fundraising events
Scope and Purpose
Pathways in Autism was founded in 2011 by Mike and Lisa Barrett to help support the greater autism community. With two kiddos on the autism spectrum, Mike and Lisa know first hand the daily challenges and blessings that life with autism can bring. Their hope is to bring greater awareness and advocacy through programs and services that inform and educate those who love and support people with autism.
Our Leadership
Michael Barrett
Mike is the co-founder of Pathways in Autism. He is a corporate executive and military officer who has a strong desire to help the needs of military families.
Lisa Barrett
Executive Director
Lisa is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and Behavior Analyst. She directs autism programs aimed at meaningful community involvement.
Zachary Barrett
Zachary is a high school student who desires to share his story about living life with autism as well as advocate for others like himself.
Our Activities
See what we have been up to lately...
Since in 2017
Our director is a seasoned mascot who provides visits from the Easter Bunny to raise money for special needs camp scholarships
Volleyball Fundraiser
Jacksonville Beach, FL
Parking Lot Safety Program
Parking Lot Safety Program for parents and children with special needs children
"I have something to tell you" AAC Project
Helping families learning AAC in the community
Barrett, L. (2021, in press). Effectiveness of community-based social-learning groups for caregivers of AAC users, Pediatric Nursing.
Barrett, L. (2019, June). Finding a camp for children with autism and other special needs, First Coast Parent, p.11.
Barrett, L. (2012). Toys that are S.A.F.E. (Sturdy, Age appropriate, Fun and Economical). Exceptional Parent, 42(10), 43–45.
Barrett, M. (2012). Special Education Advocacy for the Military Family. Exceptional Parent, 42(9), 52–55.
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